FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) is a database of more than 39,000 economic time series managed by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The data can be viewed in graphical and text form or downloaded for import to a database or spreadsheet. They cover banking, business/fiscal, consumer price indexes, employment and population, exchange rates, gross domestic product (GDP), interest rates, monetary aggregates, producer price indexes (PPI), reserves and monetary base, U.S. trade and international transactions, and U.S. financial data. The time series are compiled by the Federal Reserve and collected from government agencies such as U.S. Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The economic data published on FRED are widely reported in the media and play a key role in financial markets.
Contents |
BOPBCA | Banking | Conditions | Number of US Banks | Q |
USNUM | Banking | Conditions | Number of US Commercial Banks | Q |
EQTA | Banking | Conditions | Equity/Asset Ratio | Q |
TOTBKCR | Banking | Commercial Credit | Bank Credit of All Commercial Banks | W |
TOTALSEC | Banking | Commercial Credit | Securitized Total Consumer Loans | M |
TOTALSL | Banking | Commercial Credit | Total Consumer Credit Outstanding | M |
INVEST | Banking | Investment | Total Investments All Commercial Banks | M |
USGSEC | Banking | Investment | US Gov't Securities at All Com. Banks | M |
CONSUMER | Banking | Loans | Total Consumer Loans | M |
BUSLOANS | Banking | Loans | Total Commercial/Industrial Loans | M |
DALLCACBEP | Banking | Delinquencies | Delinquencies On All Loans And Leases | M |
GFDEBTN | Business/Fiscal | Federal Government | Federal Government Debt (Public) | Y |
FYOINT | Business/Fiscal | Federal Government | Interest on National Debt | Y |
FYONET | Business/Fiscal | Federal Government | Federal Spending | Y |
FYFR | Business/Fiscal | Federal Government | Federal Receipts | Y |
FYFSD | Business/Fiscal | Federal Government | Budget Deficit/Surplus | Y |
CDSP | Business/Fiscal | Household Sector | Consumer Debt/Income Ratio | Q |
PERMIT | Business/Fiscal | Household Sector | New Home Permits | M |
HSN1F | Business/Fiscal | Household Sector | New Home Sales | M |
MORTG | Business/Fiscal | Household Sector | 30-Year Conventional Mortgage Rate | M |
CMDEBT | Business/Fiscal | Household Sector | Outstanding Mortgage Debt | Q |
DGORDER | Business/Fiscal | Ind. Production | Manufacturers' New Orders | M |
TCU | Business/Fiscal | Ind. Production | Capacity Utilization: Total Industry | M |
TTLCONS | Business/Fiscal | Construction | Total Construction Spending | M |
BUSINV | Business/Fiscal | Other | Total Business Inventories | M |
ALTSALES | Business/Fiscal | Other | Light Weight Vehicle Sales | M |
UMCSENT | Business/Fiscal | Other | Univ of Michigan: Consumer Sentiment | M |
STLFSI | Business/Fiscal | Other | St. Louis Financial Stress Index | W |
OILPRICE | Business/Fiscal | Other | Spot Oil Price - West Texas Intermediate | M |
CPIAUCSL | Consumer Prices | CPI | Consumer Price Index: Seasonally Adj. | M |
UNRATE | Empl & Population | Hoursehold Survey | Civilian Total Unemployment Rate | M |
UEMP27OV | Empl & Population | Hoursehold Survey | Long Term Unemployment: >27 WKS | M |
UEMPMED | Empl & Population | Hoursehold Survey | Length of Unemployment | M |
CE16OV | Empl & Population | Hoursehold Survey | Total US Workforce | M |
EMRATIO | Empl & Population | Hoursehold Survey | US Employment/Population Ratio | M |
POP | Empl & Population | Population | US Population | M |
AHEMAN | Empl & Population | Est. Survey | Avg Hourly Earnings: Manufacturing | M |
AWHMAN | Empl & Population | Est. Survey | Avg Weekly Hours: Manufacturing | M |
AWOTMAN | Empl & Population | Est. Survey | Avg Weekly OT Hours: Manufacturing | M |
DEXUSUK | Exchange Rates | Daily Rates | USD/GBP Currency Exchange Rate | D |
DEXUSEU | Exchange Rates | Daily Rates | USD/EUR Currency Exchange Rate | D |
DEXJPUS | Exchange Rates | Daily Rates | JPN/USD Currency Exchange Rate | D |
DEXMXUS | Exchange Rates | Daily Rates | MXP/USD Currency Exchange Rate | D |
DEXCAUS | Exchange Rates | Daily Rates | CAD/USD Currency Exchange Rate | D |
DEXCHUS | Exchange Rates | Daily Rates | CNY/USD Currency Exchange Rate | D |
COMPOUT | Financial Data | Monetary | Commercial Paper Outstanding | W |
VIXCLS | Financial Data | Volatility Inexes | CBOE Volatility Index | D |
GDP | GDP & Components | GDP/GNP | US Gross Domestic Product | Q |
GNP | GDP & Components | GDP/GNP | US Gross National Product | Q |
NETFI | GDP & Components | Imports & Exports | US Current Account Balance | Q |
EXPGS | GDP & Components | Imports & Exports | US Exports Goods & Services | Q |
IMPGS | GDP & Components | Imports & Exports | US Imports Goods & Services | Q |
DGI | GDP & Components | Govt Accounting | Fed Govt: Defense Budget | Q |
FGRECPT | GDP & Components | Govt Accounting | Fed Govt: Tax Receipts | Q |
TGDEF | GDP & Components | Govt Accounting | Fed Govt: Budget Deficit | Q |
CP | GDP & Components | Industry | Corporate Profits After Tax | Q |
DIVIDEND | GDP & Components | Industry | Corporate Dividends | Q |
PI | GDP & Components | Personal | Personal Income | M |
PSAVE | GDP & Components | Savings & Inv. | Personal Savings | Q |
PSAVERT | GDP & Components | Savings & Inv. | Personal Savings Rate | M |
MORTG | Interest Rates | 30yr Mortgage | 30-yr Conventional Mortgage Rate | M |
DPCREDIT | Interest Rates | FRB Rates | Discount Rate | D |
FEDFUNDS | Interest Rates | FRB Rates | Effective Federal Funds Rate | M |
GRCPROINDMISMEI | International Data | Indicators | Production of Total Industry in Greece | M |
GRCSARTMISMEI | International Data | Indicators | Total Retail Trade in Greece | M |
GRCURHARMMDSMEI | International Data | Indicators | Unemployment Rate - Greece | M |
M1 | Monetary Aggregates | M1 | M1 Money Supply | M |
M2 | Monetary Aggregates | M2 | M2 Money Supply | M |
MZM | Monetary Aggregates | MZM | MZM Money Supply | M |
M1V | Monetary Aggregates | M1 | Velocity of M1 Money Stock | M |
M2V | Monetary Aggregates | M2 | Velocity of M2 Money Stock | M |
MZMV | Monetary Aggregates | MZM | Velocity of MZM Money Stock | M |
MULT | Monetary Aggregates | M1 | M1 Money Multiplier | M |
PPIACO | Producer Prices | PPI | Producer Price Index: All Commodities | M |
IMPCH | Trade | Imports | Imports from China | M |
IMPJP | Trade | Imports | Imports from Japan | M |
IMPMX | Trade | Imports | Imports from Mexico | M |
IMPCA | Trade | Imports | Imports from Canada | M |
IMPGE | Trade | Imports | Imports from Germany | M |
IMPUK | Trade | Imports | Imports from UK | M |
EXPCH | Trade | Exports | Exports to China | M |
EXPJP | Trade | Exports | Exports to Japan | M |
EXPMX | Trade | Exports | Exports to Mexico | M |
EXPCA | Trade | Exports | Exports to Canada | M |
EXPGE | Trade | Exports | Exports to Germany | M |
EXPUK | Trade | Exports | Exports to UK | M |
BOPGEXP | Trade | Exports | Exports: Goods | M |
BOPGIMP | Trade | Imports | Imports: Goods | M |
BOPGTB | Trade | Balance | Balance: Goods | M |
BOPGSXP | Trade | Exports | Exports: Services | M |
BOPSIMP | Trade | Imports | Imports: Services | M |
BOPSTB | Trade | Balance | Balance: Services | M |
BOPGSTB | Trade | Balance | Balance: Goods & Services | M |
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis data is also accessible via other data services:
ALFRED archives FRED data by adding the real-time period when values are revised from their original releases.[1] GeoFRED is a data-mapping tool that displays FRED data series in color-coded form on the state, metropolitan statistical areas and county levels.[2] CASSIDI is a data service that provides nationwide data on banking market structures and definitions, as well as banking markets for individual depository institutions.[3] And FRASER is a digital archive of historical economic statistical publications, releases and documents, with links to scanned images.[4]